ScopeSys is bringing new single-particle insights to nanomedicine developers in industry.
This platform is based on Dr. Sabrina Leslie's Convex Lens-induced Confinement (CLiC) patented imaging and manipulation technology which combines high-throughput measurements with single-molecule & single-cell resolution, operating in physiological conditions. No linking chemistry needed, CLiC confines molecules in nano-geometries which we customize to match the measurement and quality-control needs. Spun out of the Leslie Lab at UBC which continues to focus on fundamental investigations in biophysics and the physical chemistry of biomolecules and train next-generation scientists, ScopeSys is built to focus on industry needs and with a team of highly skilled professionals.
Applications range from oligotherapeutic drugs, to viruses and vaccines, to myriad nanoparticles such as mRNA lipid nanoparticle vaccines. The platform is powered by a state-of-the-art software analysis engine that can compute distributions of biophysical properties of heterogeneous drug, target, and delivery vehicles, such as kinetic interaction rates and affinities, linked to their conformational states, and other steric and dynamic properties.
By taking a closer look at the microscopic properties of molecular complexes and their correlation with therapeutic performance, ScopeSys & partners will be able to serve society's needs with new health products. ScopeSys' vision is to bring single-molecule details to life, working hand-in-hand with nanoproduct developers. Together we will de-construct, understand, and optimize the interactions of medicines at the level at which they ultimately function, one molecule at a time. By persevering and shedding new light into molecular insights which may otherwise remain in the dark, and embracing the complexity of biology, our team helps industry solve hard problems.